In this LawWiser #WILDialogs interview, our host Lavanya Behl talks to Suneeth Katarki and Avimukt Dar, Founding Partners, IndusLaw about gender diversity in the legal profession – at law firms, in-house and the judiciary.
While things are changing at the law school and associate level in terms of more women coming into the profession, this is not reflecting as much at the partnership level. What can we do to ensure that women lawyers get to compete on equal grounds without being expected to work, act and interact in the same manner as their male colleagues?
The speakers share about how having a woman on board in the early days of the firm would have added a lot of value to the team. They also talk about the reality that law firms are service and sales centric and how across industries the gender ratio in sales teams is skewed in favour of men.
We explore some of the ways of retaining women in the workforce given the unexpected toll that the pandemic has taken on the lives of working women.
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