UK Unlock 21

#UKUnlock21 is a three-part video series in which we discuss the post-Brexit UK-India bilateral trade & investment relationship.

With the end of the Brexit transition period fast approaching – on 31st December 2020, this is a topic of much discussion and debate. The new EU-UK relationship is still being negotiated with the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen agreeing on an extra mile deadline for the deal talks.

The UK-India partnership has been going strong. In 2019, trade between the two countries hit £24 billion, up by almost 10% in just one year. India recently became the second largest FDI contributor to the UK. During the Joint Economic Trade Committee (JETCO) meeting, both countries agreed to an Enhanced Trade Partnership with a roadmap to a potential free trade agreement (FTA). How would either of the scenarios – a deal or no-deal Brexit affect the development of FTA talks?  What’s the way ahead to strengthen collaboration and remove market access barriers?

LawWiser brings to you three panels wherein experts would deep dive into the complexities and opportunities post-Brexit, plus the impact of the global pandemic. Our focus is on the legal and regulatory aspects, with an overall perspective of business growth and collaboration.


Abhijit Mukhopadhyay

Avimukt Dar

Fabrizio Carpanini

Gaurav Dani

Jayant Krishana

Kevin McCole

Meghna Misra-Elder

Saloni Tuteja

Suneeth Katarki

Vijay Goel


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