03/08/2023 Citizens, knowyourlaw By LawWiser

The legal field is so vast that students often get confused while choosing the right discipline for themselves.


Watch our video on ‘Answering FAQs by Law Students’ where Archana Sassan, Vice President Legal Counsel, Dell International Services will clear all the doubts surrounding –

1. As a law student how to get over confusion over pursuing different sectors of law like litigation or picking up a totally non-conventional path. Do internships play a vital role?

2. What are some important tips & tricks for law students who are thinking of joining law school and pursuing the legal field?

3. What are different options available for law students like- doing post-graduation or getting work experience?

4. How covid has changed and impacted the whole legal scenario for law students? What are the non-conventional roles law students can pursue other than the traditional ones?

5. In today’s time, should law students do specialisations or be the jack of all trades?


Watch Now to learn more.

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