03/08/2023 knowyourlaw By LawWiser

Watch Now full video on- Cheating, Civil Disputes and Quashing FIRs featuring Vivek Sood, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India and Munawwar Naseem, Partner, Dua Associates along with our host Avani Shukla.


The video will be covering different aspects surrounding the topic –

1. Where is the line between the offence of cheating and a civil dispute?

2. Should High Courts should exercise the inherent power of quashing FIRs alleging the offence of cheating, more often?

3. Why and how is the offence of cheating misused by unscrupulous complainants?

4. What are the checks against the misuse of the offence of cheating?

5. Do FIRs alleging cheating have become a money recovery mechanism more than a means of punishing the accused?


Watch the full feature to learn more!

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