03/08/2023 Media, Technology & Data, Telecom By LawWiser

Do you wonder if Data Scraping is legal in India?

Watch Now our latest video on data scraping where Avani Shukla from LawWiser talks about the benefits of data scraping and breaks down issues associated with it.

She further talks about legal provisions surrounding data scraping in India and why there is a need to balance out the issues and legalities associated with it for all-around protection and benefits of businesses.


The technology demands the most notable changes, which can be helpful for “N” number of purposes.

Previously when the eminent techniques were not there as we were habitant to face specific difficulties while regulating our work differently.

But now, the scenario has changed, because people are using Data Scraping for various purposes.


What is Data Scraping?


Data Scraping in India is definable as collecting structured data from a variety of sources and presenting them to users in an organized manner.

With the advent of the internet, data scraping has become an essential part of business processes that involve gathering a large amount of data over a long time.

Companies engaged in data collection now prefer outsourcing the job to a specialized scraper company in India.


Advantages in Hiring Scraper Companies

The main advantage of hiring scraper companies in India is that the cost involved in employing them is much less compared to what costs involved in operating the services of a regular data collector. Data Scraping in India takes various forms. It is difficult to determine which form of data scraping is best suitable to any particular organization.

It is because the requirement for data collection varies from company to company.


Methods/Tools of Data Scraping

A data scraper collects data using several different methods.

Some organizations use software to collect information.

Other organizations make use of multiple methods in gathering information.

In both cases, the main aim is to make the information available to users in a structured format.

There are several types of scrapers available for users to choose from.

These include the RDBMS scraper that stores data in relational databases like SQL Server, Oracle or MySQL. These databases can grow on demand.

They also allow users to access the information they need without storing the data in their server.

The benefit of using a scraper such as this is that the users can be assured of fast retrieving data and high concurrency.

If you want to begin data scraping, it is best to find a ready-made package that already has all the necessary tools. However, if you do not have this, it is not impossible to learn the basics of data scraping.

One helpful tool is a data scraping tutorial.

This teaches one the basics of data collection, data manipulation, and how to organize it all to help you effectively analyze the data.


Data Cleansing

Data cleansing is one more essential skill one should master to take their business to the next level. It allows one to clean data of unwanted information, such as duplicate records and erroneous dates.

For a business to progress, data cleansing and data scraping must be performed.

To do this, you need to purchase your data cleansing and data scraping software. Because these tools make the process much easier since everything you need is right there in front of you.


Problems with Data Scraping

With many benefits, there have been some problems with data scraping that can cause some severe troubles.

1. First, data scraping involves huge costs, which is one of the significant problems for individuals.

2. Second, when proceeded illegally, it may lead to DDOS(Distributed Denial of Service).

3. Lastly, it can cause copyright issues, which may further lead to disputes.

As problems are now discussable, it is essential to look out for the legalities of data scraping.


Legalities of Data Scraping

1. Data scraping comes under the category of literary work as section 2(o) of the copyrights act, 1957.

2. Section 43 of IT Act, 2000 counters unlawful data scraping and provide sanctions for any damage to a computer system by using a computer contaminant that modifies, destroys or transmits data inside of a computer.



With the increase in the use of technology, data scraping has proved to be very beneficial to businesses and customer satisfaction.

However, the increasing use of data scraping can also cause media content piracy online, resulting in infringement of the company’s intellectual property or a particular individual and slowing down websites.

For the concerns mentioned above, it is always recommendable that data scraping be done cautiously, keeping in mind the laws and regulations.

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