03/08/2023 knowyourlaw By LawWiser

We all know that a lot of discussion is happening on the recently released judgment on the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA Act).


To help us understand what the judgment has held on challenges to various provisions of this Act, we have seasoned experts – Vivek Sood, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India and Chirag Naik, Principal Associate, MZM Legal.


They will decode the judgment where the apex court has upheld several provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002, including those which relate to the power of arrest, attachment, and search and seizure conferred on the Enforcement Directorate.


They will help us understand –

– The Supreme court judgment in Vijay Madanlal Choudhary Vs Union of India

– Most contentious issue of bail in the background of the 2019 Amendment

– The issue of burden of proof with respect to section 24 of the PMLA Act

– ED being subject to judicial oversight for investigation

– The Retrospective application of the law with reference to intent to commit the crime

– Post the judgement what are the challenges ahead in implementation of the law.


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