Must Know Renting Laws (Part 3) – Laws Protecting Tenants

03/08/2023 Infrastructure & Projects, knowyourlaw, Real Estate By LawWiser

Watch the third and the last part of our ‘must know renting law’ series which covers laws protecting tenants.


In this video, Avani Shukla, Associate – Content & Collaborations, LawWiser, share insights on different laws that safeguard tenants from unfair practices like –


– A landlord cannot enter a property without permission after renting

– Uninhabitable Conditions

– Provision of essential supplies and much more


By understanding these basic rights through our three-part series, you can take action via the Rent Authority if you feel your rights have been violated, as a tenant or a homeowner.


Do let us know if you want to know state-wise renting laws.

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