Smashing The Patriarchy | LawWiser

19/07/2023 knowyourlaw By jiten



Patriarchy is deep-rooted in our culture but there are women who choose to stand up for their rights and fight against patriarchy.


Our team curated a panel discussion on Smashing the Patriarchy to explore women’s stories, issues, and rights from different sectors.


#Watchnow LawWiser’s video to know the personal stories and life missions of our inspiring panellists

Dr. Valli Arunachalam, Scion of Murugappa Group,

Rupavardhini Balakrishnan Raju, DPhil (PhD) Researcher at Faculty of Law, University of Oxford and

Shikha Mittal Founder at Be.artsy: Awareness Experts and Be Your Own Shakti along

with Sindhu Rajasekaran, Author and Communication Strategist, moderator for the session.


Watch the full video and share you thoughts in the comments!

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