Startup & Incubators | Fireside Chat | LawWiser | Universal Legal

19/07/2023 BUSINESSES By jiten


There’s a lot of buzz about getting into an accelerator/ incubator program in the startup ecosystem.

It is critical for the startups to get all the help especially at the beginning. We got you covered in #LawWiser‘s latest Fireside Chat on Startups & Incubators

with Rashi Kapoor Mehta, Partner, Universal Legal and Vikrant Potnis, Founder, Fundenable.


Watch Rashi and Vikrant discuss some key questions that as a startup founder you always had like:

– The right approach to determine in selecting an incubator

– The potential risks that start-up founders need to keep in mind

– The exit rights between Startup and Incubator

– The stage at which the incubator prefers to exit

– Where does an incubator sit in terms of hierarchy on the cap table?


Tune in to the Full feature now for this super interesting conversation!

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