Intentional Tort

June 8, 2024

An intentional tort in Indian law refers to a wrongful act committed deliberately to cause harm or injury to another person or their property. Unlike negligence, which involves unintentional conduct, intentional torts involve a deliberate violation of another’s rights. Common intentional torts include assault, battery, false imprisonment, defamation, trespass to land or chattels, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Intentional torts can result in civil liability, where the injured party may seek compensation for damages caused by the tortfeasor’s actions. The burden of proof in intentional tort cases is higher than in negligence cases, as the plaintiff must demonstrate that the defendant acted with intent or knowledge of the consequences of their actions. Intentional torts are actionable offences under the Indian legal system, with remedies including monetary compensation, injunctions, and punitive damages to deter similar conduct in the future. The principles of justice and accountability underpin the legal framework governing intentional torts, ensuring that individuals are held responsible for their deliberate wrongdoing.


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